Look at the text below. In 25 seconds, please speak into the microphone and describe in detail what the graph showing. You will have 40 seconds to give your response.
The given image shows the information about estimated world illiteracy rates by region and by gender in 2000. The region is classified into different categories including developed countries, Latin America, East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Arab States, and South Asia. According to the image, the South Asia world illiteracy rate is the highest which account for 55% and 32% for men and women respectively, this is followed by the rate of Arab States which are 55% and 28% for male and female. While the illiteracy rate for developed countries is the lowest which is approximate 1% for both men and women. Overall, we can say that this image shows crucial information about estimated world illiteracy rates by region and by gender in 2000.