Q113. PTE Reorder Paragraph

The text boxes below have been placed in a random order. Reorder the paragraphs.

A. Larson and colleagues from the University of Minnesota undertook the study to examine whether or not teens in the state were increasing their intake of fruits and vegetables.

B. This is giving us the message that we need new and enhanced efforts to increase fruit and vegetable intake that we haven’t been doing in the past.

C. The study gathered information about fruit and vegetable intake among 944 boys and 1,161 girls in 1999 and again in 2004.

D. Teens in middle adolescence are eating fewer fruits and vegetables than in 1999, Larson and colleagues found.

E. Fruit and vegetable intake is important for the prevention of future chronic disease. So it’s important to know whether intakes of teens are approaching national objectives for fruit and vegetable consumption.


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